OMEGA-3 Fatty Acid:

Omega-3 fatty acid?what was that?well,don't worry!I will tell you about this in this blog.

I guess you know about Protein,Carbohydrates and Fats.They are macro-nutrients.They formed our body.Omega-3 Fatty Acids are considered a type of fats.Omega-3 is basically a Fatty Acid but why Omega-3 is so important?OK,Omega 3 Fatty Acid is so important for our brain and our heart.Those are essential fatty acid that means our body does not produces this fatty acids,we have to consume externally this fatty acids from foods like protein,our body does not produces protein,we have to get it in our body externally from foods but our body produces carbohydrates,so if you are not taking carbohydrates externally then our body says,"No problem,I will produces that".Strange?But Omega-3 fatty acids does not be produced by our body itself.There are many types of Omega fatty acids like Omega-3,Omega-6,Omega-9 etc.

   (Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement)

What is Omega-3 ?

Omega-3 is a fatty acid and contains two vital ingredients.They are EPA(Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA(Docosahexaenoic Acid). EPA is for Eicosapentaenoic Acid and DHA is for Docosahexaenoic Acid.They are actually 11 types but EPA,DHA and ALA are important.ALA is founded in plants and EPA,DHA are founded in animal food like fatty fish.So we will not talk about the structures of those ingredients,I think that would be boring! I will talk about their benefits and importance in our body.

                   (Tuna Fish)

EPA(Eicosapentaenoic Acid):

EPA is important for our heart.Its main function is to form signaling molecules called eicosanoids, which play numerous physiological roles.Eicosanoids made from omega-3s reduce inflammation, while those made from omega-6s tend to increase inflammation.For this reason, a diet high in EPA may reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic, low-level inflammation is known to drive several common diseases epa also helps us to reduce LDL (low-density lipoproteins)bad cholestrol from our body.Now a days almost every people have their cardiac issue and heart problems so EPA helps you to keep your heart healthy.

DHA(Docosahexaenoic Acid):

DHA is so important for our brain.So if your memory is weak you should take Omega-3 fatty acids daily which contains enough DHA.DHA is so important for our brains and their functions.DHA is an important structural component of skin and the retina in the eye.Fortifying baby formula with DHA leads to improved vision in infants DHA is absolutely vital for brain development and function in childhood, as well as brain function in adults.Early-life DHA deficiency is associated with problems later on, such as learning disabilities, ADHD, aggressive hostility and several other disorders.

Why Omega-3 is so important?
To keep our brain and heart healthy you should consume this essential fatty acid regularly by taking foods that contains a lots of Omega-3 fatty acids or by taking Omega-3 Supplements. If you are a school or college student then you have to take this fatty acid daily to improve your memory and increase your attention in class.

REMEMBER:If women are pregnant they should take enough omega-3 fatty acids during their pregnancy because if she does not consume Omega-3 fatty acids specially DHA,then there should be a chance that her baby may have low memory power or attention than other babies who get more DHA during in the womb of their mother.So,Pregnant women should take enough Omega-3 daily to to make their babies more intelligent.

Which are the symptoms of low Omega-3 fatty acid in our body?

1.Dry Skin:

If your skin is not smooth and your skin becomes dry then you may have a deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids.

2.Hair Fall:

If you are suffering from hair falls  then you may have a deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids.DHA helps to grow our hairs because our hair follicles made up with DHA although Only DHA is not responsible for our hair falls,many factors are their like amino acids etc.But this is one of the important factors among them.

3.Weak Memory:

If your can;t able to memorize something or you can't remember things then you may have a deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids.

4.Joint Pain:

If you have pain in your joint then you may have Omega-3 deficiency.

Foods that contains Omega-3:

1. Fatty fish like Tuna,Salmon,Sardine etc.
2. Flax-seeds
3. Eggs
4. Walnuts
5. Broccoli
6. Oysters
7. Anchovy
8. Chia Seeds
These are the main foods that contains large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids.

How Much Fatty Acids In a one Day?

For an adult who does not physically active too much should take 1000 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids that contains both EPA and DHA.

How much EPA and DHA in 1000 mg Omega-3?

The amount of EPA should 500-700 mg in 1000 mg of fatty acids and DHA you should have 200-300 mg.
If you take a serving of 100 gm of fish throughout the day then you will get 1000 mg of essential Omega-3 fatty acids or you can take supplements but our first recommendation is taking fish than supplements. If you are taking fish then there is no need to take Omega-3 supplements.

If you have any suggetion:

and if you have any questions or queries comment below.

Hope this information will help you.

Have a good day!