Nutritive Value Of Mangos And It's Health Benefits,Recipes
Mango is not only delicious but also full of Vitamins,Minerals and Antioxidants!
Scientific Name: Mangifera India

(Ripe Mangos)
We all know Mango is a delicious fruit.A ripe mango is very tasty and nutritious.This Mango is full of macro and micro nutrients like Proteins,Fats,Carbohydrates,Vitamins,Antioxtidants and Minerals.So you should add this food to your daily diet to make your diet a little more healthy. You can eat raw Mango or ripe,that does not matter but many people use ripe Mango than raw.You can eat Mango by making juice of ripe mangoes.

(Raw Mangos)
Nutritive Values of Mango(Per 100 gm of Mango)
Mangos are tropical fruits that are not only juicy, flavorful. Years ago, they were hard to find and considered exotic, but these days mangos are readily available year round.
One cup of ripe mango(100 gm) contains-
- Water(81.7 gm)
- Carbohydrates(17.0 gm)
- Proteins(0.51 gm)
- Fats(0.27 gm)
- Fiber(1.80 gm)
- Calcium(10.0 mg)
- Sodium(2.0 mg)
- Potassium(156.0 mg)
- Magnesium(9.0 mg)
- Manganese(0.027 mg)
- Phosphorus(11.03 mg)
- Copper(0.110 gm)
- Iron(0.13 mg)
- Selenium(0.3 micro-mg)
- Zinc(0.04 mg)
- Vitamin-A(3894 I-U)
- Vitamin-B1(0.058 mg)
- Vitamin-B2(0.057 mg)
- Vitamin-B6(0.137 mg)
- Pantothenic Acid(0.167 mg)
- Niacin(0.584 mg)
- Vitamin-C(1.12 mg)
- Vitamin-E(8.2 mg)
- Vitamin-K(70.0 mg)
- Calories(Kcal)[ 60 ]
If you add mango in your daily diet then here is a list of diseases that can be cured .
- Constipation
- Bacterial infection
- Diarrhea
- Dy-sentry
- Eye Dis-case
- Hair Falling
- Heart Stroke
- Leucorrhea
- Liver disorder
- Menstrual Disorder
- Morning sickness
- Piles
- Prickly Heart
- Spleen Enlargement
- Vaginities
- Jaundices
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Cholesterol
- Eye diseases
If you are suffering from any of those diseases then you should consume 100 gm of ripe mango daily to prevent your body from these diseases.
How to eat mango?Don't worry!I listed some recipes that you can make at home and eat to be healthy.
(Mango Smoothie)
- Raw Mango Rasam
- Corn and Raw Mango Salad
- Cheeled Mango Cheesecake
- Mango and Mint-kheer
- Eggless Mango Mousse
- Aam Srikhand with Mango Salad
- Mango Rice
- Mango Ice-cream
- Mango Pickle
- Raw Mango Salad
- Mango Jelly
- Mango Smoothie
Mango fruit is a rich source of Vitamin-A(beta-carotene),Vitamin-E,Vitamin-C and Selenium which helps us to protect against Heart-Diseases and Cholesterol Problem
If you have any suggetion:
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Hope this information will help you.
Have a good day!