Water: How Much And When To Drink ?

Water is life,we all know that fact! Major percentage of our body is made up of water.Our cells,organs,muscles,bones work properly if our body get enough quantity of water every day.Do you know?73% of our brain made up of water.So to keep our body active,fresh,flexible and our all organs function properly we have to drink plenty of water everyday.According to Dr. Jeffrey Utz, Neuroscience, pediatrics, Allegheny University, different people have different percentages of their bodies made up of water. Babies have the most, being born at about 78%. By one year of age, that amount drops to about 65%. In adult men, about 60% of their bodies are water. However, fat tissue does not have as much water as lean tissue. In adult women, fat makes up more of the body than men, so they have about 55% of their bodies made of water.So,We will not discuss about the benefits of water in Human-body in this blog.We will share a quick information on when to drink water and how much water should an adult drink in a day.

Let's Talk About How Much Water Should You Drink Everyday

You should drink at least 3-4 liters of water everyday.That means you can drink eight-8-ounces glasses each day.That is equal to half gallon of water.You can actually drink a little more(4-7 liters a day) but not less than 2-4 liters.
Remember:Every things that you eat or drink must be in a limit.

Let's Talks About When To Drink Water In A Whole Day

In Morning when you wake up,drink 500 ml of water.Then You have to drink 250 ml of water before and after taking any meals.That means you should drink 250 ml of water after breakfast and 250 ml before you eat some snacks in noon.So,the quantity of water you are taking from breakfast to before snacks is 500 ml.Clear?OK,I know you are intelligent.Let's go ahead,After 30 minutes of snacks drink 250 ml and before 30 minutes of lunch drink 250 ml.After that drink 500 ml of water between lunch and pre-workouts.Drink 500-750 ml of water during workouts(throughout the whole workout).Then drink one glass of water between post-workout to dinner.And again on glass of water between dinner to before going to bed.(total 3.25 liter)
Take a look back:
🔹500ml - Upon Walking up 🔹250ml - 30min after Breakfast 🔹250ml - 30min before Snack 🔹250ml - 30min after Snack 🔹250ml - 30min before Lunch 🔹250ml - 30min after Lunch 🔹250ml - 30min before Pre w/o drink or meal 🔹750ml - During workout 🔹250ml - 30min after Post w/o drink 🔹250ml - 30min after Dinner

So,these are the rules of how much water you can take in a day and when to drink water properly. Maintain this rules to keep you body fresh and flexible.

If you have any suggetion:

and if you have any questions or queries comment below.

Hope this information will help you.
Have a good day!